Tuesday, August 28, 2018

what is vacuoles.| what is its properties |

Today i will give you very interesting topic which always ask in competitive examination. This question is very important for those students who will ready for general competitive examination. This question is always ask in India for bank,ssc, po ,or other examination.

so lets starts.....

first of all what what is the question.

then guys the the question is.....

what is vacuole?

 Vacuoles are fluid-filled or solid-filled and membrane-bounded spaces. They are a kind of storage sacs. In animal cells, the vacuoles if present are small and temporary. They store water, glycogen and proteins. The vacuolar membrane is typically a single unit membrane and is often associated with the maintenance of water balance (e.g., they serve as osmoregulatory organelles in protozoans) or ingestion of nutrient material (food vacuole). Thus, food vacuole of a single celled organisms such as Amoeba or Paranieciuni, contains the food item that the animal has consumed.

above answer is vacuoles in animal 

But in plant below is your answer...

In plant cells, the vacuoles are large, distinct and permanent. In mature plant cells the vacuole occupies almost the entire (i.e., 90%) volume of the cell. Because of the central position of a vacuole, the nucleus and other cell organelles in plant cells are pushed near the boundary wall. The vacuole is bounded by a membrane, called tonoplast. The vacuole is filled with cell sap which is a watery solution rich in sugars, amino acids, proteins, minerals and metabolic wastes (such as anthocyanins, alkaloids).

This question is the part of biology where you learn about vacuole.

properties of vacuoles.

Vacuoles help to maintain the osmotic pressure in a cell (osmoregulation). by-products or end products of plant cells. They provide turgidity and rigidity.

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